
  1. 01.
    February to May 2023

    Pre-Planning Council Consultation

  2. 02.
    March to May 2023

    EIA Screening & Parish Consultation

  3. 03.
    May to June 2023

    Community Consultation

  1. 04.
    Autumn 2023

    Potential planning application submission to Wiltshire Council

    In Progress
  2. 05.
    Winter 2023

    Wiltshire Council will consider and determine the application

    In Progress
  3. 06.
    Summer 2025

    Earliest commencement of Construction (if planning permission is granted)

    In Progress

Additional Information

We have submitted a full planning application to Wiltshire Council (application reference number: PL/2023/10394). Please find the link here: https://development.wiltshire.gov.uk/pr/s/planning-application/a0i3z00001CFDCyAAP/pl202310394